Eating Disorder Treatment For Orthorexia

Eating Disorder Treatment For Orthorexia

Leading a healthy lifestyle can certainly improve your quality of life, however sometimes it can have the opposite effect if overdone. You may be wondering what the line is between healthy eating patterns and unhealthy eating patterns. We hope that this blog post can...
How To Move More During The Day

How To Move More During The Day

How To Move More During The Day  Working from home can have many advantages. We don’t have to commute. We miss traffic. We can do laundry during our lunch. However, when we work from home we can spend all day sitting in front of the computer. Even if you are not...
Understanding Why You Stress Eat

Understanding Why You Stress Eat

This post will be focused on why people stress eat. I am Dr. Rebecca Leslie, an Atlanta based psychologist that specializes in stress eating. In this article I will focus on understanding why you stress eat, I will share what stress or emotional eating is (I will use...