At Best Within You Therapy and Wellness, we believe in the transformative power of art therapy for trauma. Trauma can leave deep emotional wounds stemming from past abuse, violence, or other distressing events. Trauma often lodges itself in the unconscious mind, affecting our daily lives without us even realizing it. Art therapy can help access and process these deeply buried emotions and memories. Clients use art to explore repressed feelings, confront fears, and find insights into their traumas. During art therapy, an individual’s artwork becomes a tangible representation of their inner struggles and can be a starting point for further exploration and healing in traditional talk therapy sessions. Every individual’s trauma experience is unique, requiring a personalized approach to treatment. Traditional therapeutic approaches are undoubtedly effective, but incorporating art therapy as a complementary modality can bring unique and profound healing benefits. This blog post will explore art therapy and how it can be a valuable tool in the journey toward trauma recovery.

Understanding Trauma 

Trauma is a distressing event or series of events that significantly impact an individual’s emotional, psychological, or physical well-being. Traumatic experiences can be single incidents, like accidents or assaults, or prolonged and ongoing, such as abuse, combat exposure, or natural disasters. The lasting effects of trauma can manifest in anxiety, depression, flashbacks, nightmares, a dysregulated autonomic nervous system, changes in our relationship with food, and difficulties in interpersonal relationships. 

Trauma can profoundly impact individuals, leading to significant changes in their worldview, intimacy, and sense of self. The traumatic experience can shatter their fundamental beliefs about the world, resulting in a pessimistic or fearful perspective. Intimacy may become challenging as trust issues and a fear of vulnerability emerge, making it difficult to form and maintain close relationships. Additionally, trauma can cause a disconnection of one’s sense of self, disconnecting them from their emotions and physical body. They may experience feelings of shame or worthlessness. The trauma may become central to their identity, overshadowing other aspects of their life. These profound changes in one’s ability to adapt to the world around them can create a complex journey of healing and self-discovery.

When a traumatic event occurs, the body initiates a complex neurobiological response to cope with the threat. One critical component of this response is activating the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis. The HPA axis is a fundamental neuroendocrine system that regulates the body’s stress response and promotes survival. In trauma, the HPA axis activation serves as a vital adaptive response, and the surge of cortisol and other stress hormones helps mobilize the body’s resources, enhancing physical and cognitive abilities to face or escape danger. This process is commonly known as the “fight or flight” response.

Flight or Fight Response 

The fight or flight response is an essential survival mechanism that evolved to shield us from physical and environmental threats. The fight or flight response is part of the body’s autonomic nervous system and is designed to prepare us for either confronting the threat (fight) or escaping from it (flight). During the fight or flight response, the body undergoes physiological changes, such as increased heart rate, heightened alertness, and the release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. In some situations, none of these responses seem feasible or safe. In such cases, the freeze response comes into play. The freeze response can occur during frightening or traumatic events, leading individuals to dissociate or become emotionally numb as a way to cope with overwhelming feelings. It is important to note that not everyone who experiences trauma will develop mental health challenges. Resilience, coping skills, social support, and timely intervention can promote healthy recovery after trauma. 

The Impact of Trauma on Our Relationship with Food

Trauma can profoundly impact individuals with eating disorders, playing a significant role in developing and worsening disordered eating behaviors. When someone experiences trauma, it can evoke intense emotions like fear, shame, guilt, or anger. Some individuals may turn to disordered eating behaviors, such as binge-eating or restrictive eating, to cope with these overwhelming emotions and regain control. Additionally, trauma can lead to negative body image perceptions, where individuals may view their bodies as unsafe or unattractive due to the traumatic experience, contributing to the development of eating disorders as they seek to alter their bodies to align with societal ideals or regain a sense of control.

Additionally, trauma survivors may develop a need to control their environment and experiences as a way to avoid triggering memories or emotions related to the trauma. This need for control can manifest in strict dietary rules, restrictive eating, or the development of eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or orthorexia, where the individual becomes fixated on eating “healthy” or “clean” foods. For some trauma survivors, disordered eating behaviors may serve as a form of self-punishment or self-harm, reflecting feelings of guilt or shame associated with the trauma. 

The Healing Potential of Art Therapy for Trauma

Art therapy offers a safe and non-threatening space for trauma survivors to express emotions and memories that are often challenging to verbalize. Through various artistic mediums like painting, drawing, sculpting, and collage-making, individuals can communicate their innermost feelings, thoughts, and experiences in a way that words alone might not convey. The creative process can be deeply therapeutic, providing a sense of control and empowerment in the face of overwhelming emotions. Creating art in a controlled environment with the guidance of one of the Best Within You trained trauma therapists can foster a sense of safety crucial for trauma survivors.

 The art therapy space becomes a sanctuary where clients can freely express themselves without fear of judgment. This sense of safety can extend beyond the art therapy session, increasing the ability to cope with triggers and stressors in everyday life. The creation of art can serve as a powerful tool for narrating one’s own story, and engaging in art-making can be an emotional release. Making art provides a safe and non-judgmental vehicle to explore and process trauma-related feelings. In art therapy, individuals can externalize and symbolize their emotions, giving them a tangible form that can be observed, understood, and transformed. This emotional empowerment enables them to work through complex feelings and take steps toward healing.

The Role of Art Therapy for Trauma in Autonomic Nervous System Regulation and the Physical Body

Art therapy has been shown to affect the autonomic nervous system (ANS) profoundly. The creative process can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. As trauma often leaves individuals in a heightened state of arousal, art therapy can help restore a sense of balance and calmness by fostering ANS regulation. 

The process of creating art can increase heart rate variability, a key indicator of overall well-being and emotional resilience. Art therapy’s impact on emotional well-being is closely linked to its effects on the physical body. Engaging in creative expression has been found to reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone, thus promoting relaxation and a sense of physical well-being. Additionally, art therapy can enhance immune system function, contributing to overall health and resilience.

Empowering Autonomy and Building Resilience Through Art Therapy

Trauma can leave individuals feeling disempowered and vulnerable. Art therapy provides a platform for reclaiming that power and fostering resilience. As clients engage in the creative process, they can uncover their strengths, learn coping strategies, and develop a deeper understanding of their resilience. Witnessing their progress and growth in their artwork can be a powerful motivator in the journey toward healing. The power of creating a personal piece of art also builds autonomy. When individuals engage in the creative process, they have the freedom to express themselves in a unique way. This act of self-expression allows them to assert their individuality and exercise their autonomy over the creative choices they make. 

Trauma often leaves individuals feeling a loss of control over their lives. Engaging in art-making provides a space where a person can regain a sense of control and agency. They can start, pause, or modify their artwork as they see fit. This control over the creative process can be empowering, especially for those who have experienced traumatic events that made them feel powerless.

art therapy



Trauma can have a profound impact, leaving individuals disempowered and vulnerable. The transformative practice of art therapy emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a dedicated platform for reclaiming personal power and fostering resilience. Through art therapy, clients actively engage in the creative process, unfurling a journey to unearth their innate strengths, acquire valuable coping mechanisms, and cultivate a profound comprehension of their resilience. 

Art therapy is a valuable and effective tool in trauma treatment. It can complement traditional therapeutic approaches, offering trauma survivors a holistic and individualized healing experience. Within the realm of art therapy, individuals feel liberated to express their innermost selves in ways that are distinctly their own. This act of self-expression, rooted in autonomy, becomes a testament to their individuality and a demonstration of their mastery over the artistic decisions they make.

At Best Within You Therapy and Wellness, we believe art therapy provides a space for creative expression, where trauma survivors can find a voice, process emotions, and take steps toward reclaiming their lives. As we continue to explore the possibilities of art therapy in mental health, we hope that more individuals will find solace, healing, and hope through this unique therapeutic modality.

Thank you to Dr. Amanda Parker for this blog post. To schedule a complimentary consultation with Best Within You Therapy and wellness Atlanta therapist Dr. Parker or learn more about trauma therapy you can complete our appointment form.