EMDR Therapy

EMDR Therapy Atlanta

In EMDR therapy in Atlanta you will focus on a memory while at the same time experiencing bilateral stimulation. Bilateral stimulation can be done through eye movements, tapping, or sound which activates both hemispheres of the brain. Your experience in the session determines the pace of the EMDR. With EMDR therapy, your therapist will assist in guiding you as you process painful or difficult memories. You will also work with your therapist to find the method of bilateral stimulation that works best for you. 

In EMDR you focus on the emotions, body sensations, and negative thoughts that you experience as you recall the distressing issue. Reprocessing these aspects of your experience allows your brain to return to its natural healing and healthy functioning. As the therapy continues, you will experience changes in the emotions, body sensations, and negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself which were previously distressing to you.

Online EMDR Therapy In Atlanta

EMDR can be done virtually. You can meet with a therapist online if you live anywhere in Georgia. We provide EMDR therapy in Buckhead, Brookhaven, Sandy Springs, Savannah, Athens and more. Our psychologists also provide EMDR to clients throughout the United States. You will get the same benefits if you work with a provider online as in person. 

EMDR Therapy in Atlanta Helps:

EMDR was developed by psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro and was initially seen as a treatment approach to decrease distress about traumatic memories.  Since its creation, it has been used to help clients with the concerns listed above. 

Dr. Martha Womack and Dr. Sarah Holmes are two highly experienced Atlanta EMDR therapists at Best Within You Therapy & Wellness. Both of these psychologists have gone through extensive training to be able to provide EMDR therapy in Atlanta and throughout the United States. 

Frequently Asked Questions About EMDR

Q:How is EMDR different from traditional therapy?

A: Traditional talk therapy can involve discussing distressing life events and exploring ways to develop new and different ways of thinking about and interpreting these events. New behaviors are suggested to assist in changing typical patterns of thinking about yourself and your experiences. In EMDR therapy in Atlanta, there is much less talking about an issue. You are not asked to talk about the details of difficult situations. This is important to know if you feel fearful going to therapy and talking about a certain event or situation. The focus in is on your current sense of self and the use of bilateral stimulation (done through eye movements, tapping, or sound which activates both hemispheres of the brain) while remembering previous experiences. 

Q:How does EMDR help?

A: As reprocessing occurs, you can begin to experience a decrease in the level of distress you feel. You also begin to feel changes in your emotions, physical sensations, and negative thoughts and beliefs.

Q: What are the stages of EMDR therapy?

A: EMDR involves an 8 phase process. The eight phases are 1) history taking and treatment planning, 2) preparation, 3) assessment, 4) desensitization, 5) installation, 6) body scan, 7) closure and 8) reevaluation.

Q: Does EMDR work?

A: EMDR is extensively researched. The following organizations, along with many others, recognize it as effective treatment:  American Psychiatric AssociationAmerican Psychological Association, National Alliance on Mental Illness, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the U.K. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs/Dept. of Defense, and the World Health Organization.  Here is a video about EMDR and how it works

Ready to heal with EMDR therapy in Atlanta? Schedule a complimentary phone consultation below.